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Category: Fitness

The Genuine Health Happy Gut Guide

Spring cleaning is not only for the home but a good time to do a internal cleanse for yourself!  Genuine Health has come out with a delicious protein powder consisting of fermented vegetables.  I love it because it’s Soy Free, Gluten Free and Non GMO.  Bloating comes easily to me and the Genuine Health is the first fully fermented protein which contributes to a healthy…

Adidas launches new running shoe designed by women for women: #PureBOOSTX

” The longer your runs, the more kilometres you log each week. And the longer you keep up your routine, the less you’re willing to put up with shoes created for a man.“ Launched in stores Feb.3/16, Pure BOOST X!  If the warmer weather in Toronto has got you thinking fitness and getting your summer body ready this is the runner to get. Based…

My favourite products to nourish and tone your body during weightloss

I myself am getting back in shape for the hundredth time and I have found a routine I actually like and look forward to doing.  It’s called Bikini Body Mommy and it’s free and awesome.  I love it. Down 10 pounds so far and am on day 18.  Now that I’ve cut wine out I hope to drop some more weight…

Surviving the Holidays the #ONatural way!

This is one of my favourites time of the year.  I love to entertain and have friends over for delicious food and cocktails.  I am going to share with you a brilliant smoothie that has some holiday punch in it.  It is so refreshing and loaded with healthy minerals and vitamins from Orange Naturals ND Shake Vanilla you’ll be ready to take on the…

The Healthy Moms Discount Card #healthymomstoronto

Are you familiar with The Healthy Moms facebook group?  It’s a fantastic group for local moms and moms-to-be, interested in healthy and natural options for ourselves and our children. Use this group as a great resource for meeting like-minded moms, a positive, supportive and non-judgemental space to ask questions and a place to share ideas, healthy recipes and tips for all things healthy…

Core Restore & Foga with FitMom #jointhemotherhood #corerestore

I am so looking forward to this and getting reassessed as I wonder how much my abs have seperated, I do forget but I also wonder if they have repaired at all!  I hope to see you there. CORE RESTORE is a workshop for women wanting address their core health after childbirth. It does not matter if you are a new or veteran mother you will benefit immensely from…

Mothers Day gift idea’s for the new Mom #IPRGiftLounge

Where or where were these products when I had my kids????  Here are my pics for the New Mom this Mothers Day from my amazing day at the Windsor Arms Hotel for the #IPRGiftlounge from Impressions PR. 1.  The first product I’d like to tell you about is from Bellies.  The ultimate in postpartum recovery is yours with their Postpartum Recovery System.  An 8…