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Category: #GMCBeauty

Chorus Supernatural Skincare- It really is super and natural! #GMCBeauty

” All Chorus skin care products are 100% natural source and include no petrochemicals, artificial fragrance or colour, or other toxic synthetics. A wide range of unadulterated botanical extracts, pure essential oils, plant-derived cosmeceuticals, and high-grade plant and vegetable oils have been blended with the Chorus Super Four to create a world-class, natural skin care line. You also get peace of mind knowing our ingredients are all…

Natural Deodorant from LoveFresh is where it’s at! #GMCBeauty

There’s lots of conflicting information out there about antiperspirants and cancer and thank goodness companies like LoveFresh are offering us a better alternative.  Some say it may cause and some say it doesn’t.  I’ll list some information below and you can decide if it sounds and feels right to you and if you want to continue with such ingredients.  But there…

Green Beauty Month. Ditch the Pink and go Green with #GMCBeauty

October is breast cancer awareness month and we’ll be seeing the Pink Ribbon campaign in full force this month.  Having a few friends now touched by breast cancer and kicked its ass you may wonder why I would suggest to ditch pink and go green. I’ll give it to you nicely. I’ve never understood the Pink campaign and the beauty products that…