How To Throw The Best Birthday Party For Your Kid At Each Age

If you’re wondering what your kids will actually like and appreciate when you throw them their next birthday party then you’ve come to the right place. Here’s what you need to know.

1-2 years

This is the small, delicious window of time that you get to choose what your kid does for their birthday. They’re still too young to care all that much about what they do for their birthday.


Anything you want, really. Do you have a childhood party dream that’s been left unfulfilled? Now’s the time to make it a reality. And no, there seriously is no shame in that.

What To Focus On

Since your kid is still really small (even though it feels like they’re growing up way too fast) all you really need to focus on is having some fun, giving a ton of cuddles wherever you can and taking loads of pictures.  The point is, your little one will likely not remember any of it, but you will and you should make them some awesome memories.


3 years

You may be wondering why 3 years is over here all by its lonesome. That’s because three-year-olds honestly just deserve a category of their own.  If your child is about this age then you’ll know exactly what I’m talking about.


By this age, your kid will have a clear obsession with something, whether it is poop or paw patrol (boys, what can I say?) or My Little Pony or Super Monsters, and my guess is you and everyone else who knows your child will know exactly what it is.

Use that as inspiration for a party theme.

What To Focus On

Think of a three-year-old’s birthday party as a recipe for fun with a drizzle of party theme.

In other words, don’t go all out on a Pinterest worthy party, buy some cheap party supplies online and rather focus on showing your kid and his friend’s a great time instead.

4 – 5 years

Your child probably has some really strong opinions already, at this age they are willful and well, a little (a lot) bossy if I’m being honest. Maybe you’re lucky and your kid is an angel, or maybe your kid is a regular four or five-year-old.



It’s probably best to suggest a few themes that your kid would like. Like a Superhero or Princess theme. You can do so much with those themes whilst using relatively simple decor with a few over the top decor items that will really steal the show.

What To Focus On

Now you get to put a bit more focus into the decor because there is a decent chance your kid could actually remember it. Also, they will start appreciating the whole ‘feel’ of it all a little more than simply shrugging it off. But do not neglect the entertainment part of it. Parties are about fun!


6 – 7 Years

Wrangling your kids is getting a little easier because they’re starting to resemble civilized human beings. Mostly. Kind of. Hopefully. This is also the last sweet stretch of cute (small) kids parties. So keep that in mind moving forward.


Your child may start losing interest in themes, preferring friends to fancy things. But don’t let that stop you from celebrating every last bit of their childhood while you can. Go with the cutest, silliest, and most fun theme your kid will agree on.

Rainbows, Robots, Pirates, Unicorns or Mermaids.

What To Focus On

Go big on fun. If your child’s birthday is in the warmer months then consider a water-themed party (be sure to let the parents know in advance though). You can easily incorporate themes with the weather as well like mermaids and pirates will go well with water and hot days. While Frozen and a hunter theme would work well with the winter months.


8 – 11 Years

Well, you’ve made it this far. Even though some kids will still enjoy having a party for their birthday, it may be time for you as their parent to revise your idea of what that means exactly. You see from here on out parties will be more of an activity based situation than anything stationary or decorated.


A party could now be defined as anything from going to the movies to rock climbing, to even staying home and playing video games together or a pedicure party. You can incorporate the main theme into the cake, party favors and so on, depending on how themed you and your kid would like it to be. Some kids lose their taste for themes and that’s okay too.

What To Focus On

Parties at this age are a great bonding experience for your kid and his friends and also for you guys as a family. So try to incorporate some activities that will support that. Like a mani-pedi station where guests take turns doing each other’s nails or some good old-fashioned camp-fire stories.

12 – 13 Years

Welcome to the teen years, your still awesome kid is now as unpredictable as the weather. So although you can get some ideas for a party based on your kid’s interest but ultimately your teen will decide what he or she wants for a party if they want one at all, that is.

What To Focus On

Kids of this age will start to form packs that are just the teensy bit scary to parents, especially when they get hungry. So just feed them, keep them out of trouble, and give them entertainment and maybe they’ll let you stay (for a little bit)



Maybe social media is to blame but teens actually still love throwing birthday parties as surprising as it may seem.


Princess parties are likely a thing of the past, pirates too (unless it’s a Johny Depp theme of course.) Popular themes these days for teen parties are Instagram, Emoji, Unicorn, and Glow in the Dark.

What To Focus On

Cool decor, awesome party games, and tons of food. Seriously, food. Teens never stop eating. It could get a little expensive, yes, but you throw a fantastic birthday bash even if you don’t have a lot of money, you can hustle, sell some old jewelry or even have your teen chip in with their allowance.

Disclosure: This was written in collaboration with Discount Party Supplies.


  1. Janet Meisner | 16th Nov 18

    Thanks for the clearly thought out article.

  2. kathy downey | 17th Nov 18

    Thanks for posting this interesting read !

    • Mama Ash | 19th Nov 18

      Hopefully, it gave some good idea’s.

  3. nicky | 17th Nov 18

    Those area great tips! Will remember them for our kiddo’s next birthday!

    • Mama Ash | 19th Nov 18

      Great! You can’t go wrong with discounted party supplies.

  4. Tara Gauthier | 20th Nov 18

    These are definitely some great party planning ideas!

  5. Lynda Cook | 20th Nov 18

    This was a great post to read, lots of great tips!

  6. ivy pluchinsky | 21st Nov 18

    Great ideas!

  7. kristen visser | 21st Nov 18

    I absolutely love this post and how each age group is included with themes and ideas on birthday party suggestions

  8. Tannis W | 21st Nov 18

    Thanks for the tips! I’m currently working on planning a third birthday party.

  9. jan | 21st Nov 18

    I love all of the themes that are done these days. So cool and able to be directed to the child.

  10. Calvin | 21st Nov 18

    Great ideas to ensure a fun birthday

  11. wendy hutton | 22nd Nov 18

    so many great ideas, thanks

  12. andrea amy | 22nd Nov 18

    Great article. We don’t throw parties for our kids for their birthdays, we make it a family time and just do something special just us 🙂

  13. Athena | 22nd Nov 18

    Great article, with great ideas!

  14. Christine F | 23rd Nov 18

    some really great advice!! Every year things change so much!

  15. kathy downey | 24th Nov 18

    Yes,thanks I have founds some fun ideas for our next party !

  16. Silvia D | 25th Nov 18

    really great ideas. always looking for new things for the birthday parties!

  17. Jennifer Wilson | 25th Nov 18

    You have given me some great options for a Birthday party.

  18. Linda | 27th Nov 18

    It’s comforting to know that teens actually still love throwing birthday parties.

  19. Elaine G | 28th Nov 18

    Great tips. Thanks for the ideas.

  20. wendy hutton | 29th Nov 18

    great article some good ideas

  21. Krista M | 13th Feb 19

    Parties used to be easier when the kids were younger but for my teen I’ve found it more difficult with each year. So thanks for the ideas! And yes food is always #1 for all ages!

  22. Shirley OFlynn | 7th May 19

    Great Birthday Party ideas! Thanks for sharing.

  23. Emily John | 8th May 19

    Cute and fun tips, will definitely be using this as a guide to planning our next kid’s parties.

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